Discover how
I overcame anxiety
and lost weight!

Discover the incredible transformation I experienced that can change your life too. My name is Tiago, and I used to be someone with low self-esteem, anxiety, and even depression. I felt completely alone, without a proper eating routine, uncontrollable sleep, and no control over my own life and actions.

On weekends, I would spend a fortune on drinks and friends, hoping to feel a part of something. But during the week, loneliness and emptiness took hold of me. I felt ugly, overweight, and it further undermined my self-esteem. Women seemed to reject me, and I didn’t value or respect myself. I had increasing anxiety attacks, I wasn’t a happy person, constantly demanding perfection from myself, but always doing the same things. Every night, I would cry, experiencing anxiety attacks, my heart feeling like it would explode, struggling to breathe, and impulsively losing control, opening the food delivery app and buying more fast food to satisfy my cravings and the emptiness I felt inside. The worst part of all this were the anxiety attacks, as I felt really awful. I always thought something bad would happen to me and that people would reject me because I was overweight and unattractive.

One Friday night, at a party, I decided to approach a woman. We started flirting, but then she said something impactful: “You’re young, handsome, you should take better care of yourself. Look at you, overweight, always doing the same things, eating junk food, and not exercising or doing anything like that.”

Although I was drunk, those words resonated in my mind. She was right. That’s when I made the best decision of my life: I decided to join the gym and start taking care of myself. My mental health was in shambles, my body was in terrible shape, and my self-esteem was at rock bottom. Nonetheless, I took the first step.

The next day, I enrolled in the gym and hired a personal trainer and a nutritionist to assist me in my weight loss journey. However, I soon realized that they only cared about my money and didn’t genuinely care about me. Despite that, my determination remained unwavering. I started studying all types of workouts and diets available.

I tried various approaches to lose weight, but they all failed miserably. Until one day, I decided to gather all the knowledge I had acquired and combine the best workouts and diets into one place. That’s how I developed a weight loss method that worked astonishingly well for me. In just one month, I lost an incredible 11 kg. That’s when I discovered the secret and realized that change happens from within!

I shared this secret with friends and close people, helping them achieve happiness and overcome anxiety just as I did. That’s when I decided to share this method with all of you. Thus, the Mindset Fitness Real Project was born, where I will share my story and help thousands of people around the world who are going through similar difficulties or even worse situations.

Within the Mindset Fitness Real Project, I developed a weight loss program called the 30 Days Challenge. In it, you will have access to all the weight loss techniques I created. You will learn and practice everything I have developed at a much more affordable price than what others charge without providing real support.

By purchasing the 30 Days Challenge, you will have lifelong access to all my products and will have my support 24/7. I used to believe that taking care of your health and diet was expensive, but I discovered that, in fact, I save much more money by eating healthily than I used to spend on fast food.

The time has come to change your life and achieve the healthiest and happiest version of yourself. The 30 Days Challenge is here to provide you with real and lasting results. Don’t waste any more time on methods that don’t work. Join me and thousands of people who are transforming their lives. Click on the link below now and start your journey towards weight loss success with the 30 Days Challenge program from Mindset Fitness Real.

Discover the
30 Days Challenge
for Weight Loss!

Within the program, you will have access to what truly has the potential to help you lose weight over 30 days, with guidance and a diet plan to lose up to 10 kilograms in a single month, and achieve the body you’ve always desired!

30 Days Challenge

A 30-day meal plan based on the Low Carb diet with all the necessary guidance for quick and healthy weight loss, while still being able to enjoy the foods you love the most.

What you will discover
in the program:

Testimonials from those who have already completed the 30 Days Challenge program:

- Maria S.

“I couldn’t believe the results I achieved with the 30 Days Challenge! I lost 12 kilograms and finally reached my goal weight. The best part was being able to eat delicious food while still losing weight. Highly recommended!”​

- Emily R.

“I was skeptical at first, but the 30 Days Challenge exceeded my expectations. I lost 9 kilograms and noticed a significant improvement in my overall well-being. The program’s guidance and support made all the difference. If you’re looking for a sustainable and effective weight loss solution, this is it!”​

- John M.

“I had tried countless diets before, but none of them worked for me. Then I came across the 30 Days Challenge and decided to give it a try. It was a game-changer! Not only did I lose 8 kilograms, but I also felt more energized and healthier than ever before. Thank you!”​

Here's everything you'll receive...

Within the program, you will have access to what truly has the potential to help you lose weight over 30 days, with guidance and a diet plan to lose up to 10 kilograms in a single month, and achieve the body you’ve always desired!


3 Exclusive Bonuses

By guaranteeing today your access to the 30 Days Challenge, you will guarantee 3 incredible bonuses: E-book Potentialize Your Fat Burn, 40 Fitness Recipes to make at home and The Power of Teas for 


Everything for only 



€ 519,99

FOR € 199,99

Get access to the 30 Days



+ 3 bonuses at 60% off today!

Common questions

It is a program where you can easily, simply, and quickly lose weight through the Low Carb diet. By eating tasty and healthy food, you will receive a complete 30-day menu of low carb meals to follow as a foundation, along with a specialized weight loss training program. Additionally, you will also receive 3 bonuses: 40 Fitness Recipes to Make at Home, Ebook Turbocharge Your Fat Burning with valuable tips to accelerate weight loss, and The Power of Teas, an Ebook featuring the best teas to help burn fat!

Each individual’s body functions differently, so it is difficult to determine an exact time for the onset of weight loss. However, it is common for people to start noticing weight differences within the first two weeks.

In summary, a Low Carb diet is a dietary plan that is low in carbohydrates, high in fats, and includes a controlled amount of protein, resulting in a process known as ketosis.

Due to the reduced carbohydrate intake, the body is forced to break down stored fat molecules during ketosis, leading to weight loss.

In general, it works for everyone. However, individuals with allergies, syndromes, diseases, or any other health condition that requires special dietary considerations should seek medical advice to determine what to eat or avoid. Nevertheless, the basic principles of nutrition and health that you will learn in the program will still be applicable to you. It’s just a matter of adapting them to your specific restrictions.

If you regret your purchase of the 30 Days Challenge and want to cancel it, simply contact our customer support team, and they will provide you with all the steps to cancel and receive a refund for your investment. However, we assure you that this is unlikely to happen.

30 Days Challenge Guarantee

The Consumer Protection Code (Article 49) guarantees 7 days to request a refund in case of dissatisfaction with the product. However, we have so much confidence in our studies and research that we offer an unconditional 15-day guarantee!

The sale of the 30 DAYS CHALLENGE can only be conducted through this website, registered under the name of Mindset Fitness Real. Any other website where you find this program is a COUNTERFEIT and goes against the law. Avoid counterfeits and reject illegal or cloned content. DO NOT purchase similar programs that are not based on years of behavioral psychology research. We are not responsible for purchases made on other websites.

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